Obituary Announcement 210224

šŸ“¢ Orbituary Announcement

It’s with sadness and sorrow that we are informing the community that we lost our brother Mamady Kaba from London on the 17th February 2024. Mamady was the brother of Sory Kaba (Baba Kaba) and our sister @āØSister Aicha Kaba Diallo Engā©.

On behalf of the CGUK&IRL, we are expressing our sincere condolences and deepest sympathy to our brother and his family. May the soul of the deceased rest in peace and may Allah SWT grand him Jannatul Firdaus. AminšŸ™.

For Douas and condolences please contact our brother Sory Kaba (Baba Kaba) on 07950369575